Converting chess diagrams to machine readable FEN with Chessify
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Converting chess diagrams to machine readable FEN with Chessify

Chessify is a multi-service chess platform. Since I am not registered with I cannot say much about it. But a single feature of their phone app is really amazing: it allows to take photos of chess diagrams (printed or screen) and converts them into FEN (Forsyth-Edwards-Notation). This is a standard for machine readable description of…

Privatkopien von Webseiten mit WebScrapBook (Installation und Import unter Windows)

Privatkopien von Webseiten mit WebScrapBook (Installation und Import unter Windows)

In meinem viel gelesenen Leitfaden zum Archivieren von Webseiten hatte ich das Firefoxplugin ScrapBook X zum Anfertigen von Privatkopien auf dem heimischen Rechner empfohlen. Das ging immer nur mit Firefox und seit geraumer Zeit nur noch mit dessen Fork Palemoon, weil das Mutterprogramm die XUL-Schnittstelle abgestellt hatte. Der Nachfolger WebscrapBook desselben Entwicklers (Danny Lin) steckte…

JabRef screenshot "Options menu"

biblatex-archaeology in its environment Ⅰ: JabRef

This is the first entry in a series of blog posts that aim to investigate how my biblatex-archaeology package interferes with software commonly used by its target audience. Since v2.2 was declared feature complete the objective of v2.3’s development is to enhance usability. JabRef is a very common reference manager in the LaTeΧ world. As… 1.8 released 1.8 released

Today a new version of my Perl script has been released (version 1.8). There are three new features: The resulting index page can now automatically get posted to a WordPress blog. The Internet Archive has introduced a request limit (15 requests per minute). therefore delays archiving to a reasonable extend (10 seconds as…

biblatex-archaeology v2.2 released
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biblatex-archaeology v2.2 released

Good news! Yesterday version 2.2 of my LaTeΧ package biblatex-archaeology was released, with which it comes close to feature completeness. There are no new features on my to-do list, only some minor improvements of existing features and better documentation. Unfortunately there was a huge delay in upgrading, and since the release of biblatex 3.14 biblatex-archaeology…

Seriation der Bronzezeitchronologie von Oscar Montelius

Seriation der Bronzezeitchronologie von Oscar Montelius

Vorbemerkung zur Publikation 2015 Struktur des ent-files Ergebnisse Legende zum Ausdruck Anmerkungen Vorbemerkung zur Publikation 2015 1998 nahm ich (I. B.) an einer Einführung in das von Irwin Scollar entwickelte Bonn Archaeological Software Package (BASP, auch als WinBASP) unter Leitung von PD Dr. Frank Siegmund teil. Zusammen mit der hier als Mitautorin genannten…