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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Archäologie findet im Museum statt, z. B. in Göttingen.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Archäologie findet im Museum statt, z. B. in Göttingen.
CiteDrive is a collaborative online reference manager for BibTeΧ. Its strengthens are the possibility to pick up references from online sources like PubMed or Google Scholar via a Browser plugin (“CiteDrive Companion”) and the integration into several LaTeΧ editors like Overleaf or RStudio. It can produce cite commands for LaTeΧ and Pandoc as well. I…
There have been a couple of projects that aim to convert LaTeΧ sources to HTML, XML or MS Word. Only two have gained a broader interest of the audience: LaTeΧML TeΧ4ht (htlatex). The former does not support BibLaTeΧ. So we are stuck to TeΧ4ht. As the name indicates it was originally a TeX to HTML…
I have released the next version (2.3) of my archive.pl script that stores URL sets in the Internet Archive. There are two main changes: Head over to the project page in order to get your copy. I recommend strongly to choose the Docker image.
Pandoc is a command line tool for converting from one markup to another. It uses a largely enhanced markdown syntax as intermediate format. This allows for adding input and output filters for only one format instead of writing them for every possible conversion anew. In case you don’t know what markdown is: It was invented…
LyΧ is an editor for LaTeΧ that resembles WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice. This is achieved by employing a HTML like reduced command set screen output and full LaTeΧ for printable formats. Thus the applicable LaTeΧ commands are limited to those for which screen macro complement…
I assume that most German archaeologists employ Zotero or Citavi to collect their references. Both are web-based reference managers today, and both are capable to export BibTeΧ files. The main issue is that their database structure is not as in high resolution as BibTeΧ and especially bibLaTeΧ are. Zotero In order to export refrences from…
When sorting bibliographies with Biber, often this warning occurs: Biber.pm:4174> INFO – No sort tailoring available for locale ‘de_DE’ Since the status is INFO only it is nothing fatal. And in fact it only tells that standard sorting order was applied because no individual scheme could be found for the specified locale. This is perfectly…
My LaTeΧ package biblatex-archaeology [v2.2] was selected for very-long-term archival in the GitHub Arctic Code Vault on Spitsbergen.
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte (DGUF) hat in ihrer Verbandszeitschrift Archäologische Informationen im 51. Jahr ihres Bestehens erstmals eine Softwarerezension abgedruckt. Und man glaubt es kaum, sie betrifft mein biblatex-archaeology Paket. Die Besprechung von Anne Klammt, Forschungsleiterin für digitale Geisteswissenschaften am Deutschen Forum für Kunstgeschichte in Paris, fällt recht wohlwollend aus. Early View…